You Are What You Eat!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Have you spent years doing untold amounts of damage to your body and/or to the bodies of your children? Many of us have and are still doing so but that damage can be undone and fixed by switching your diet. It’s never too late so make the change now!

Diabetes, heart disease and cancer - a few of todays most modern killer diseases, are definitely related to our diets and lifestyles.

What you put into your body and digest becomes a part of you. When you fill your stomach with unhealthy foods and junky foods, it deprives your body of the essential nutrients it needs for health and strength. Imagine building a brand new house using only the poorest quality materials you can find. If you are really talented, you may get your house looking good on the outside. But the structure is not going to be strong. Put it to the test and it will crumble.

You wouldn't seriously place your family in that type of danger would you? Yet, do you not realize that the same thing happens in our bodies? Put in junk and low nutrient unhealthy foods and the structure of your body will not be strong. You may look good on the outside but continue on that path of eating harmful, unhealthy foods and your body will not be able to keep holding up. The constant stress of missing nutrients, food additives, environmental pollutants, and pesticides will eventually take its toll. The end result? Premature aging, disease, and other health problems.

When consumed on a regular basis, the impact to your health and the health of your children from fast food is quite staggering. As more and more families stop relying on conventional cooking using fresh food ingredients, the number of households keep increasing as they instead feed themselves on a constant, daily diet of microwaved ready meals with very little or zero fresh fruits and vegetables.

Here are a few reasons why this is wrong: Your intake of essential nutrients which comes from fresh fruit and vegetables is almost zero. Your dietary fiber intake is also low to nonexistent. When you continually replace fresh wholesome food with processed, additive laden foods, you are doing the following things to your body or that of your children: Raise your blood pressure. Increase the levels of bad (LDL) cholesterol. Retard your metabolic rate (the rate at which you digest, process and eliminate food. Weaken your immune system. Destabilize your blood sugar levels. Reduce the ability of your colon to function properly.

What does all this do to your body:
Increases your fat storage, especially if you lead a lifestyle that includes no or irregular physical activity. It places you at risk of strokes from high blood pressure, type II diabetes from irregular blood sugar levels, heart attacks from raised LDL cholesterol levels. Cancer of the colon because it cannot process the waste products properly. More frequent illness as your immune system is compromised and a greater chance of contracting other cancers as your levels of antioxidants is so low. It increases your chances of contracting arthritis and other inflammatory diseases at an increasingly younger age as your overall body acidity rate increases, lowering your ability to process and remove excess uric acid from your bloodstream. It also leads to weight gain and obesity, further increasing the likelihood of strokes and heart attacks.

All in all, it paints a pretty gloomy picture. So what can you do to redress the balance?

You need to cut out most of the fast (EX: McDonald's, Wendy's, Chick-fil-A, etc), processed (EX: canned veggies) food from your diet and replace it with traditional, home cooked meals prepared and made from fresh vegetables, meat and fish. You should include fresh fruits and berries in that diet and switch to wholemeal bread and pasta to increase your body’s intake of the all-important dietary fiber.

If you don’t care about doing if for yourself, at least do it for your children. Show them you love them and give them a chance at living a healthy and long life by cooking them good wholesome food like your grandmother used to make for your parents and if you were lucky enough, like your parents did for you.

MY PURPOSE - MY HOPE is that this challenges you, really, really challenges you to STOP today and do something different even if only to provide a better life for your children.

UPCOMING POST: The GREAT Debate! Canned vs Frozen vs Fresh

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