What's in a Name?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I'm here in Houston, Texas visiting Santana for the week and wanted to share how beautiful and unique the community she lives in is designed.  It's called The Woodlands and as you will see from the pictures it was named perfectly. Every street in the community is lined with trees so that no houses, businesses, hosptials, not even the mall is visible from the street.

Instead this is all you see from the street view as you are driving by, the signs of the business, hosptial, etc.
You drive a few feet behind the trees and there you will see all the buildings.

Here are some familar places:Bank of America, McDonald's, a Hospital and a Hotel...

And here's a look from the opposite side: Jack-in-the-Box "Street View"

and a "Behind the Scene" View
SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL and a very creative community concept and definitely not something I've ever seen in Arizona.

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