A Bucket List?

Friday, June 10, 2016

A bucket list? No, I don't need one.  It's relationships that matter.  And for me, paying attention to the precious gift of today is the only thing on my list.

Some day, someone will ask my loved-ones what they want to have said about me.  They will be asked how they want me to be remembered.  What will my loved-ones say?  What will stand out as the most meaningful part of my relationship with them?  What memories will they cherish?

My hope and prayer is that it won't be about what I did FOR them but instead it will be what I did WITH them. I don't want it to be about how much money I spent on them, but about the memories of the gifts of my time that I gave to them.  So that is why I am so intentional about creating memories with the ones I love.

As you look at the next few weeks, how much time have you set aside for the people who right now mean the most to you?  How much time are you planning to invest in those priceless relationships?  Before you get busy with something, grab your calendar or whatever you use to keep your schedule, find a pen and look at the next few weeks... Do it now before you put it off for later.  You might forget.  This is too important.  Write in a few "appointments" for couple time, family time, friend time, I promise you that you'll be glad you did.

Dear Lord, thank You for the blessings that I have, the friends, family, relationships, even the material possessions I own.  But Lord, please let my heart not rest in these.  Let my heart not grow hard, or grow weary when You decide that something should be taken from me.  May You forever be my ultimate rock and resting place.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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