Saturday, June 25, 2016


It may not always feel like it, but you are making a difference every single day.

You are ROYALTY!

God never intended for us to look to others for the kind of love only He can give.  Find your identity in Him alone.  He is the only one who can bring true joy and fulfillment.  Our greatest happiness was never meant to be found in relationships, careers, accomplishments, or things.  That void in your heart, or the loneliness that won't go away will only be filled by Jesus.  He is the lover of your soul, and the only one whose love will never let you down.  His love never fails.  Psalm 136

You are ROYALTY: crowned, called and cherished!  Nobody has the right or ability to take that away.  XO Mommy

Friday, June 24, 2016


I think life would just be easier if I didn't have to worry about this and than and everything in between.  But I also know that God has given me all of this for a reason.  It's all about that divine balance of life.  Some seasons are meant for certain things while others are put on hold.  But that doesn't mean we can't come back to them later.

I Just Adore Them!

Something tells me I'm going to love them forever!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Just Don't Give Up!

There will always be those days where you're not feeling 100% and things might not feel like they are happening for you.  I'm not trying to sound negative, just keeping it real...  It happens to the best of us.  Don't stress over it, relax and remember you always have tomorrow to get it right.  Just don't give up.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Father's Day 2016

For better or worse, in sickness or in health, storming ahead or tak
ing a step back, in beauty or in brokeness...  I'm grateful to walk these fleeting paths of life with this man.

I don't post about him enough!!!  I'm thankful for him and forever thankful for the love and special care he pours into each of our hearts.  Thanks for all the hard work you've put into our lives all these years.  ALOT of time it's a thankless job but it doesn't matter, he keeps driving on, doing what he's gotta do.

Happy Father's Day Mark!  May your day be blessed abundantly!

Don't forget to tell your heros you love them ~ Happy Father's Day ~ Mark Jr., Reggie & Ken!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

No Green Thumb

Dear Michaels, thank you for selling these adorable & inexpensive fake greenery because Lord knows I always somehow kill the real ones.  I LOVE the feel plants bring to our home, but I cannot keep plants alive.  Apparently 6 kids, 6 grandkids, 1 husband and 1 business are about all that I can handle.

Love My Patio!  Been having a little fun the last couple of days prettying up the patio a bit ~ since I'm stuck at home everyday :(  Can you believe these are even real???  Even my hubby who HATES fake plants had to admit these look good.

What is your favorite place to buy realistic looking fake plants?!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Life Roles

I'm a wife to an entrepreneur, mama to 5 young adults and 1 teenager, grandmother to 6 little ones, and a girl boss.  For the last 30 some years I have been figuring out all of these roles simultaneously.  I have made all the mistakes, been the recipient of so much grace, experienced so much joy and learned more than I could ever share in this tiny space.  If you are in the throes of these rolls right now and just need someone to work through the problem you are facing right now, the question you are mulling over right now, the opportunity in front of you right now...  I hope the things I share here can provide a bit of support and encouragement and grace and a little wisdom that you can use to face all that is in front of you right now.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

The Tummy Struggle

My stomach has always been a part of my body I've never been comfortable with and I'm never totally confident revealing it.  But I've learned how important it is to first love your body at any stage of your journey because it's healthy and ABLE and second to work hard for the change you want to see!

While still not at my goals, I've made huge physical progress yes - but the progress I love most is my frame of mind - I truly feed myself positively when I look in the mirror because I know I'm doing my best to work hard and eat right.

So for all of you ladies who struggle with tummies as much as me... Keep at it and never give up, those little steps really do matter and make a difference.

Friday, June 10, 2016

I'm Tired of Aduling Today!

I'm tired of adulting today.

Sometimes there is such a weight on me, that it's hard to even deal.  If I knew adulting was this trying I would have savored my childhood.  When we were kids we all couldn't wait to grow up and be adults. You can stay up as late as you want, party all night and do just about whatever else you wanted to do.  We overlooked the extreme responsibilities that being an adult came with.  We only viewed the fun side of it, and focused on that.  Never realizing that there is a small array of fun and the rest of it is just overwhelming responsibilities.

You have to pay all of the bills even the ones that just don't make sense.  You have to deal with a job you may not like, but it pays the bills so you have to go every day just to eat and put food on the table.  In your 20's you're carefree just living day by day enjoying yourself.  In your 30's you've actually found yourself and know who you are, and realize that your responsibility as an adult is more serious than you've realized.

I just want to take a break.  Forget about the bills, stress… all of that.  I need a much needed break from all of it.  Just for the rest of today…  Just wanted to get that out!  #friyay #weekendvibes

A Bucket List?

A bucket list? No, I don't need one.  It's relationships that matter.  And for me, paying attention to the precious gift of today is the only thing on my list.

Some day, someone will ask my loved-ones what they want to have said about me.  They will be asked how they want me to be remembered.  What will my loved-ones say?  What will stand out as the most meaningful part of my relationship with them?  What memories will they cherish?

My hope and prayer is that it won't be about what I did FOR them but instead it will be what I did WITH them. I don't want it to be about how much money I spent on them, but about the memories of the gifts of my time that I gave to them.  So that is why I am so intentional about creating memories with the ones I love.

As you look at the next few weeks, how much time have you set aside for the people who right now mean the most to you?  How much time are you planning to invest in those priceless relationships?  Before you get busy with something, grab your calendar or whatever you use to keep your schedule, find a pen and look at the next few weeks... Do it now before you put it off for later.  You might forget.  This is too important.  Write in a few "appointments" for couple time, family time, friend time, I promise you that you'll be glad you did.

Dear Lord, thank You for the blessings that I have, the friends, family, relationships, even the material possessions I own.  But Lord, please let my heart not rest in these.  Let my heart not grow hard, or grow weary when You decide that something should be taken from me.  May You forever be my ultimate rock and resting place.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Monday, June 6, 2016

When You Can't Stand, Just Kneel

When your gym is on the 2nd level of your home and you have a broken foot in a hard cast...  It's all about the little steps or scoots.  I either crawl up the stairs or scoot up backwards, then once I'm there it's all about figuring out what I can do around this cast.

Soooooo, when you can't stand, just kneel, LOL!  But seriously though, not only are my arms getting a workout, my abs are getting a little extra something too.  Now with that said... Your progress doesn't have to be perfect to be POWERFUL!  And a setback doesn't mean we should give up.  There is no such thing as the perfect workout anyway...  I have good workouts, crappy workouts, awesome workouts and every other type of workout.  But never perfect and so I just keep trying to be sensible and just train as hard as my body will let me right now.

Anybody have any suggestions on excercises I can do with only one foot, please share...

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Happy 32nd Birthday Mark 2

Today we celebrate my oldest 32nd birthday.  It may be that many people think of birthdays as another day of the year, but for me they are much more than that, especially when that day is your only son's birthday.  I can hardly believe where time has gone.  I remember so vividly the moment we met.  And now, now you are quite the adult ~ a husband, a father...  I'm sorry if I'm a little sentimental but I think that your birthday is the perfect moment to tell you all the things I don't tell you in a normal day, to remind you that you are important to me.

As all mothers do, I had goals, dreams and wishes for you.  I had as you can imagine, dozens of them.  But on this 32nd celebration the following is what matters most...  Recently a couple of your co-workers told me how much they enjoy working with you and what a kind, fun, intelligent, hard-working, and dedicated man you are [ENTER PROUD PARENT MOMENT!]  I could not be more proud of you.  My heart overflows with love and pride.  It has been my honor to be your mom and I thank God for you each day.  I will be forever grateful that He chose me to be your mom, giving me a front row seat to watch you become who you are today.  And I will also be forever grateful to you for allowing me to use that front row seat.  You are a part of my heart, tied together by a cord of respect, love and affection forever.  Happy Birthday Son ~ Love, Mom!

Friday, June 3, 2016

Happy 25th Birthday Shanel

There's no bond quite like that between a mother and a child.  I know you in ways no one else ever will.  I see in you all the things you can still become and I will always have faith that you can do whatever you want, no matter what your age.  Your passion for knowledge and exploration are evident on a daily basis.  I am your biggest fan, your mentor, your confidant, your turn to person when things come crashing down and the first person you call to tell when things are going great.

I enjoy the time we spend together.  Most of all I am proud to have you as my daughter and my friend.  The comfort that comes from our relationship is irreplaceable.  I wear your unconditional love for me like a big hug every single day.  I am so blessed to have you.  You are one of my six angels here on earth.  Thank you for always, always being at my side and having my back.  I treasure you and love you more than life itself.

Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday Nelly!  You make the world a better place.  Love Always, Mommy

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Behind these photos...

Behind these photos, real life happens.  And it's not always pretty or perfect...  What comfort it brings to read Paul's words to God's people in Ephesians 1:4, "Even before He made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in His eyes."  How reassuring to know there is One who always accepts us and thinks we are priceless.  You can't get any more "liked" than that.