Sunday, May 29, 2016

Diego Pops

My girls took me to lunch today at Diego Pops in Scottsdale.  It was a nice blend of trendy and laid-back seating with an adorable outdoor dining area.  I loved the rustic feel and it was soooo cute! Cool atmosphere in Old Town Scottsdale.

We had the Brussels Sprout Nachos, Mango Habanero Wings, Chips & Salsa, and Tacos. Everything was really AMAZING! Our waitress was very nice and provided great service.  I'd go again in a heartbeat!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Thursday, May 26, 2016

My Favorite Graduate

My favorite graduate this year.  Couldn't be more proud of this guy and the sweet, smart kid he is.  Hope he never changes.  Kindergarten here he comes. Congratulations Boston on your 1st graduation.


Each day, every hour and precious minute, you must relinquish time, duties, expectations, desires, needs, and daily rituals - you will slowly die to patience.  It will take you.  Breathe through each moment you sacrifice to the pain, the limitations, and the dire need for more than what you have and what you can do.  Exhale the anxiety of dirty dishes and laundry piles and the smelly clothes you may ferment in for days.  Allow yourself to inhale the burning dinner and muffle the screams and whines of children as you relinquish all power over your world.  Don't worry, it gets easier to give in.  You become weaker with every fight.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Weather Kid

This Weather Kid life is rough, LOL!  Malaysia, you are one in a million.  Love you, MiMi
Malaysia was invited to be the 12 News Weather Kid because of her heroic act in assisting the  Tempe Fire Department in dismantling the lock on the bathroom door which had jammed, 

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

My Little Violinist

So proud of this guy playing at his school rectial.  One of the things that gives me the greatest joy and fills my heart... watching my grandchildren perform and excel in their activities.

This Pain Thing...

This pain think, this hopping and scooting and pulling and hoisting and no hurrying and patience thing gets old. Very old. After the first day. But after 40+ days, it gets very, very old. Somewhere this existence starts to weigh on you and the gravity of the burden gets heavier and your Mind starts to become vulnerable. It's usually the pain that does it... but sometimes the very act of being 'stuck' strips you for all that you are and beckons you to that slippery bridge toward despair. DON'T GO!

This is when you need to use all the strength you've got to hold on and find your HAPPY PLACE within. What brings you joy? Find beauty in this mess. It's there - FIND IT. Despair does no good. If you need to let it out, by all means cry, swear and then pray. Go there. But only for a short time. No use in staying there. The one thing you DO have control over is your mind, and that dictates your heart. Those two things are so much more important than your physical body. Don't ever forget that.

Monday, May 23, 2016

It's Time for a Check-up

Today was my 3 week check up since surgery on May 2nd. I knew that they were going to remove the cast today but for some reason, I didn't put any thought into how that would happen. I have to admit that I had a little anxiety when they told me they would be using a saw to remove it. But it wasn't the type of saw that my mind automatically imagined, it was instead a specialized saw with a flat and rounded metal blade. The teeth of the saw vibrated back and forth at a LOUD, high rate of speed and, thus cutting through the cast but not to the skin underneath. And I'll confess again that even after she started sawing, I was a little on edge that the saw might cut to far down and cut my skin…  After several cuts were made in the cast (along either side) they were able to spread and open the cast to lift it off.  Underneath was an underlying layer of padding and a stockinette that was cut off with scissors.

Okay, time for the reveal…  I WAS NOT READY to see this unsightly scar. This does not look like a minimally invasive surgery although they assured me it was. It was very hard for me to look at on many levels and those pins sticking out, OUCH!  My skin appeared to be different shades; there was so much hair growth (Ugggg, I should brought a shaver.); my foot still look so swollen; and my calf was already so much smaller than the other one. Well at least my pedicure held up pretty well.

Now what I didn't know or remember being told was that the stitches had to be removed today. Okay, now my stomach was in knots.  Removing stitches is no joke for me, I don't like that feeling at all and so I tried to turn away and focus on breathing through it.  They always tell you it's not going to hurt and that it'll be really fast, but neither of those statements are true.  I could feel every clip of each thread.  The slight tugging sensation makes me feel weak and nauseous.  Anyone else feel that way? Just me? Whatever.  I'm definitely a candidate for anesthetic...

Okay, stitches out and I can relax and breath normally again and my ugly foot is cover and I don't have to look at it. Now it's time to re-cast it! Yep, doc said it needs to remain in a cast to limit my foot movement, hold the broken bone in place, keep pain at a distance, and of course to prevent further damage. In three more weeks, they will remove cast again and x-ray to see how fracture is healing.  If it has healed enough, he will put me back into the air cast for several more weeks but if it hasn't then another re-cast…

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Happy 27th Birthday Shamesha

My beautiful daughter celebrates her 27th birthday today.  As I look upon you this day, I am filled with awe.  And while it may seem trite, it really is ture: my love for you grows stronger with each passing year. I am prouder than words can possible express to call myself your mom. You are amazing, and I want to take this opportunity to tell you - and the world - just a few reasons why...

You are brave.
You take difficulties, internalize their lessons and continue on as a stornger, better person.

You are smart.
I don't just mean you know things. Although you do. Many things. But you also exhibit a quite wisdom far beyond your years.

You are beautiful.
Although we can obviously see your outer beauty. you are also beautiful where it counts the most - on the inside. As the saying goes, "Beauty is as beauty does," in that respect you are gorgeous. Kind and thoughtful. Compassionate. You display deep empathy for people and the world we live in.

You are loving.
Your compassion and empathy drive you to share love with those who need it most. Family, friends, strangers benefit from your caring. You show others what a difference unconditional love can make.

You have been a wonderful daughter and now a woman who is bold, intelligent and strong and understands the weaknesses of others and know when/how to take control of a situation. I can't explain how I and you dad feel about you. You are always there with us when we need you. I can still remember the support you gave me when your dad had to have major surgery, you were there with me emotionally and I saw a very strong woman in you.  I hope you face any troubles in the future with confidence and strength.

I love you. Happy 27th Birthday. We celebrate you today and every day. Keep shining your light. Love Mommy

Friday, May 13, 2016

Proud Auntie

Such a proud Auntie moment I am experiencing looking at this picture... My niece, Princess Pete graduated today with a Bachelors Degree from Baylor University.  A 5 year, fully paid, recipient of the Bill Gates Scholarship.  Today is only the beginning...

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Firefighters Help Toddlers Free Themselves from Locked Bathroom

Two of my grandchildren (4-year-old Malaysia and 3-year-old RJ) got locked in our guest bathroom due to the lock jamming.  We passed an iPhone through a small crack in the door and had Malaysia take pictures of the lock.  After trying to help them get out for over an hour, we called 911 for assistance.  When the firefighters arrived, we explained the situation and showed them the picture of the lock that Malaysia had taken.  Using that picture, the firefighters asked Malaysia if she knew left from right and which way a clock turned.  She replied. "Yes, my daddy taught me "righty tightly, lefty loosey."  With that info and the picture, they passed a screwdriver through the crack and coached Malaysia through the steps of removing two screws and dismantling the lock.  It took about another 30 minutes or so, but she DID IT, setting herself and her cousin free.

During this ordeal, daughter Shanel decided to "live stream" the event on social media as it was occuring. Thus the result, the incident became a local Valley news story.  Channel 12 News picked up the story and came over to interview the kids and to hear Malaysia tell her version of the entire incident.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

1000 Reasons to Smile

I had no idea the impact a broken foot would have on every day life.  Having two feet that work is what keeps you stable and allows independence.  Suddenly being without one is so limiting.  I'm slowly coming to terms with the implications: Keeping fit, driving, shopping, doing housework, kneeling down, hanging the wash, carrying food or drinks, getting dress... I can't do anything spontaneously; everything involves forethought, but I won't allow my circumstances to defeat me soooooo ~ When life gives you 100 reasons to cry, show that you have 1000 reasons to smile.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day

To the world you are a Mother, but to your family you are the World... I never quite understood her as a mother until I, myself became one too.  In that I look on her with new eyes; teh daily sacrifice, the endless quest for balance, and the miracle of being called "mom" is better understood now between us.

Because of her foundation I understand what Mother's Day is about: It's about looking through our lives and recognizing the act of mothering everywhere we see it, and more than that, recognizing that when any of us mother - we listen, nurture, nourish, protect - we're doing sacred work.

Because of her foundation, I know that being a mother is never without its moments of highest highs and lowest lows.  If it were a job I think we would've quit a long time ago - terrible pay, hours, duties, and absolutely no recognition for a job well done.  But it's not a job, it's our life.

Being a mother has give me a life to be proud of, a challenge in my every day for sure... but a moment of pure love in my life that comes unconditionally and without strings, they are both the most uncomplicated and complicated relationships I will ever forge.  They represent my greatest contribution to this earth, my only lasting footprint to leave behind when I go...

My children'ts great-grandchildren might not remember my name or who I was, but they will know the love that I strive to instill im my children, that they in turn will instill in their children, and so on and so forth.  And the great secret to this lineage of motherly love?  It's because I had a beautiful, loving mother too!

Happy Mother's Day Mom!  I Love You!

The joy in motherhood comes in moments.  There will be hard times and frustrating times but amid the challenges there are shining moments of joy and satisfaction.

Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there!  Prayerfully all mothers had a very enjoyable, blessing filled day.  I'm ending the day with a home cooked meal and some of my favorite humans and missing the ones who couldn't be here. XO