Saturday, September 26, 2015


Don't compare yourself to others… we are all a "HAUTE MESS" some just hide it better than others.  If you haven't done this yet, downtown Gilbert on a Friday night is a must! Grab some friends, the entire family or make it a date night for a fun evening out at the Gilbert Food Court. We sampled some delicious food from the Queso Good food truck and their cantaloupe iced drink was perfect for our Arizona nights... cool & refreshing!

Saturday Morning...

Thankful for my undeserved blessings from God... it's all the little things that they do that touch my heart and make me smile!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Living in the presence...

I'm being constantly reminded lately to live in the presence of my amazing God, to walk in freedom and to grow in faith and trust. Doing these things help me to be more aware of Him, instead of the people and places around me... not in order to detract me from my relationships with others, but to increase my ability to give love and encouragement.  How awesome is that!?  I now understand that if I'm not full, if I don't love myself, take care of myself, allow God to fill the emptiness inside me, renew my mind and heart and focus on living in the present then I won't be able to help anyone else.  I have to preach this to myself all the time because I tend to get lost and overwhelmed through the day. It always feels good to just close my eyes and picture myself running to my father's arms. Ps 16:8 says, "I have set the Lord always before me because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken."