Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year 2014

My New Year's tree is up and I LOVE IT! As 2013 is quickly coming to a close, I am grateful to have been blessed beyond what I could have ever imagined and although it is overwhelming trying to fit it all into a few words I will still try... I'm grateful for my health, my family, friends, a safe place to live, my work, nutritious food, another year of happiness... Even for 2013's frustrations (being mindful of God's charge to give thanks in all things) I'm thankful! I am also grateful today for the many in our armed forces who won't be home with their families today, but instead overseas protecting our freedoms so we can celebrate in peace surrounded by the people we love. I am thankful on this last day of 2013 and every day for many blessings. Here's to a memorable year of family and friendships. Happy New Year's Eve everybody!

Couldn't "Ring out the old, and ring in the new" without some New Year cookies (by The Baked Equation) to help celebrate.  Love these cookies, they are perfect for every occasion and they make me happy!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Appreciating Holiday Chaos

Christmas is a crazy time, but it's packed with lots of fun too. It's what I call "controlled chaos!" LOL and I wouldn't have it any other way.  It is a time for family, good food, recalling holiday seasons past, and making new memories...  There tends to be a lot of work preparing for that special day, shopping, decorating, cooking... until you are past exhaustion, BUT that Christmas magic quickly comes rushing back the moment you see your children or grandchildren's eyes light up when he or she firsts spots a tree all decked out with lights and tinsel, when they first hear the story of Santa or realize that all those presents under the tree have THEIR name on them.  Yes, experiencing Christmas through the eyes of a child (even when they are 22) is even more magical than living it as a child.  It brings me the greatest of joy to know that we are building special memories that each of them will one day share with their families. "Wouldn't want to do life without them!"  #LoveUs

My girls SPOILED me! 

MiMi playing house with Malaysia.

Christmas dinner outside on the patio, the weather was PERFECT!

Christmas dinner menu: Baked Ham & Grilled Beef Roast for the entrees' with mac-n-cheese, green bean casserole, canned yams, rice dressing and potato salad.

I made these Root Beer Reindeer for the kids, totally CUTE!

 PaPa helping Trey cut his meat.

The DESSERT Table - Vanilla Christmas Cake by Jackie Chaussey / Baybee Cakes and Christmas Cookies by Melissa Barbakoff / The Baked Equation

Here's that Christmas Magic I was talking about, you know that "controlled chaos" LOL!

 All those new toys and all this little guy wanted to do was play with scraps of the Christmas wrapping.
Our attempt to get one photo of the entire gang before the day ended.