Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Monday, August 12, 2013

1st Day of Freshman Year

Well it's here, our baby girl started her freshman year of high school today.  She was a little bit nervous but probably no where near as emotional as I felt.  After dropping her off, the urge to shed tears and the tightness in my throat remained with me for at least half the day.  I can't tell you how many times I wanted to text her to see how things were going.  She didn't bring a bag or purse of any sort and so I kept thinking where are you going to put your phone and pen and retainer case LOL! She didn't bring a sweater and I feared that she was going to be so cold in those classrooms. Did she eat enough for breakfast because lunch wouldn't be until 12:12pm...  If you think that I was being a little dramatic, then all I can say is either 1) you don't have children, 2) your children haven't started preschool yet or 3) you know exactly how I feel :)

But as it goes, we both survived the 1st day of high school and when she got home her siblings were waiting for her to share  a back-to-school dinner and ask about her first day.  Now that made this very emotional day all worth it.