Physical Therapist

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Today the physical therapist came to visit and show Sabriya how to get in and out of bed, and how to use her walker and wheelchair. She did pretty well! Over the next couple of days they will work with her on improving her strength and ability to move & function.  The physical therapist here at PCH specialize in the care of children and have all the specially sized equipment needed to work with them. It is awesome and reassuring to know that in every aspect of this adventure we have been guided by God and all of your prayers to the right place, doctors, etc.

During this time of tension, fear and hope that the surgery will be successful, and now the recovery,  it has been very important and special to Sabriya and us to have the support of so many family members and friends who have prayed us through each and every step. They are spoiling Sabriya with cards, flowers, stuffed animals and us with meals and snacks... Thank you will never seem like enough, but I'll say it anyways THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! XOXO

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