Saturday, June 23, 2012

Louisiana June 2012

This is just a few pictures from my visit back home in June for my 30th year class reunion. I didn't take many but each one is always a precious treasure to store away and revisit thru the years...  The highlights of this trip - seeing my parents & siblings & all my family; visiting my Godfather George Guillory; attending my 30th high school class reunion.

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day

A father is his daughters first love & his sons first hero. God took the strength of a mountain, the majesty of a tree, the warmth of a summer sun, the calm of a quiet sea... The generous soul of nature, the comforting arm of night, the wisdom of the ages, the power of the eagle's flight... The joy of a morning in spring, the faith of a mustard seed, the patience of eternity, the depth of a family need... Then God combined these qualities with nothing more to add, His masterpiece was complete, whom He called... DAD! Happy Father's Day to the DAD's in my life and to all the others out there, I wish you great blessings & joy today as we celebrate each of you.

Monday, June 11, 2012

The Anniversary Dance

The anniversary dance was a special dance for all the married couples at the wedding. Throughout the song, starting with less than one year (at this point the newlyweds were escorted off the floor), the DJ continued to name off the number of years that couples were married. It continued with less than two years, five years, ten years, and so on until the couple who had been married the longest was left dancing. The winners were none other than the maternal grandparents of the bride, my parents, Vernell & Marie Pete from Lake Charles, Louisiana. They will be celebrating their 55th anniversary this coming November, their anniversary date 11/23/1957.  The newlyweds gifted them with a beautiful cross engraved with words like, hope, amazing grace, peace... and the scripture "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15  Anniversary Dance pictures are here (click)!  Plus 2 more posts the bouquet & garter tosses.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Mark2's 28th Birthday

These pictures are just simply of us, the Smith Family doing life as we do it over here in Lyfe as a Smith... Just spending a couple of hours together to mark the 28th birthday of Mark 2. There are some pretty awesome things about having a big family.  Each of my children is a blessing, the sixth just as loved as the first. Try to envision how awesome it is to have a whole crowd of your family cheering and shouting or singing "happy birthday" in unison for whoever or whatever the occurrence may be.  At any given time there could be 5+ different conversations going on and the noise level can be atrocious but that alone is worth the extra chaos of a few more kids.  It may be noisy and messy at times, but it is a blessing much greater than any sacrifice there might have been.  There is always someone to giggle with; always someone who really loves to give advice and lend a shoulder; no one is ever bored; food rarely goes to waste; and you learn to share, to compromise, to forgive.  You also learn the true meaning of grace, how to be kind, and how to sacrifice. A house filled with riotous laughter... sorry but it doesn't get any better than that to me.  Are we any different than any other family NOPE, we are just a regular family who has a few more birthday cakes to make each year.  

Happy 28th Birthday Mark2, I hope you enjoyed our impromptu birthday celebration!


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Monday, June 4, 2012

Shanel's 21st Birthday

We celebrated Shanel's 21st Birthday yesterday... there is just something about hitting that magic birthday - the legal drinking age - that makes even normally level-headed young adults throw caution to the winds, yeah right BUT NOT Shanel, Haha! No tales of bar hopping, birthday booze rituals and epic day-after hangovers for this girl instead just several days of well planned activities with friends and family.  I believe she actually started her multi day celebration on Thursday hanging out with some friends.  Yep, that's right she simply could not have just one day of celebrations, did you expect anything else?  Well the pictures here are of our family celebration with dinner at Cheesecake Factory where she made everyone dress up, no jeans or shorts for these 21st birthday pictures.  ENJOY!

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