The Entrance of the Bridal Party

Sunday, April 29, 2012

One of the grandest parts of the wedding ceremony was when the bridal party made its entrance.  Everyone was so excited as they waited for the bridal party to begin their entrance, wondering...  Who is in the wedding?  What are they wearing?  Will the flower girls scatter rose petals?  But mostly I think they all wanted to see the emotion on the faces of the bride and groom and share that moment with us...  As Reggie stood at the altar with his best man and the officiants, the processional began with the seating of the grandparents, which we were blessed to have both of Shamesha's grandmothers and maternal grandfather; followed by the seating of the mothers; the groomsmen and bridesmaids entered as couples; then our ring bearers and flower girls; finally the maid of honor  The air was so full of anticipation as Reggie anxiously awaited the first glimpse of his bride in her wedding dress...  (go here)

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