Thursday, August 25, 2011

Santana's 26th Birthday

See you all, I'm doing better - Santana's birthday was only a week ago and I'm already posting - take a look and see how we celebrated... She rang in her birthday, Saturday night with her siblings and friends at the Sandbar Mexican Grill in Chandler. I'll let the pictures tell you the story but I think they had a roaring good time. Then on Sunday (2nd slideshow) everyone came over, Shamesha made enchiladas, we had dinner and hung out Smith style. We had a birthday cake of course for our birthday girl but we also became a "House of Desserts" with Shamara and Shanel making brownies and Mark 2 making bananas foster - they need to get up out of my house with all those sweets. A week of working out hard RUIN in minutes, it's just so not fair!  Happy Birthday my Beautiful Santana, I love you! Mommy

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Trey's 3rd Birthday

Okay, okay I know, Trey turned 3 years old almost a full month ago, but life is busy right now and all I seem to do when blogging is catching up, but I am glad to know I'm not by myself because Trey's mama (Shannon) and I are blogging at about the same rate. Haha! She still has to post the pictures from his fabulous birthday party, but check out his Birthday Tribute on her blog here. Although almost a month ago, I figured you probably would still enjoy seeing the pictures from his birthday morning with MiMi and company.  Instead of wrapping each of his gifts, I decided to present them to him in a different way.  He needed some new, older boy toys for MiMi's house and so as the pictures show you, I tied ballons to each gift and  lined the sidewalk into the front entry way with them.  Not a bad idea, I think he enjoyed it. Until next birthday my beautiful boy, Happy Birthday, Love MiMi!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Happy ONE Month Birthday Malaysia!

In honor of Malaysia's 1 month old birthday today, her MiMi decided to do a blogging marathon and catch on all the pictures she's been taking. WHAT? Just because I haven't been blogging AS MUCH you thought I wasn't taking pictures either, you all should know me better than that... Haha!

You can 1) follow this link to our BABY WATCH page and keep scrolling on down until you've caught up with how Malaysia's been spoiling all of us... or you can 2) click on each link below individually and see what's been happening...

Friday, August 19, 2011

First Day of 7th Grade

Only 2 pictures and those I had to sneak because my 7th grader doesn't think pictures are cool right now... anyways, Sabriya is offically a 7th Grader which means she will be in high school wayyyyyyyyyyyy to SOON and I came to the harsh realization that my daughter is growing up. While on some level I understand that this has to happen eventually, I would prefer that eventually was much farther in the future!  It seems like only yesterday, Mark was coaching her 3 year old soccer and basketball teams.  Sometimes I walk into her room late at night... her sleeping form takes up way more space than I ever expected from a little one who once shared an abode the size of a basketball between my hips and ribcage.  5 foot 7 and not showing any signs of topping out any time soon. The youngest of our gang seems likely to pass them all.  And the feet! 9 1/2...  whatever happened to all those cute little sneakers with the blinking lights?  Lately I even discovered her wearing a set of heeled shoes and jewerly that she got from big sister Shamara's stuff.  I'm not sure I'm ready for this!

Fortunately I have found a way to deal with the situation, I close my eyes and it turns out that most of what comes out of her mouth still sounds like a little girl - asking questions about math homework, objecting to cleaning her room, comparing notes about her teachers with her friends, giggling uncontrollably, etc.  She doesn't act like a women yet, even though I know that day is coming - too soon.

If I keep my eyes closed, I can imagine I still have a little girl running around the house. Now if I can just stop bumping into things...

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Turning 47

Well all, I actually celebrated my 47th birthday a couple of weeks ago, but have been very lacking in blogging due to the early arrival of our granddaughter, Malaysia.  So for the last 2 weeks, on top of the normal stuff that goes on in Lyfe as a Smith, I have had my hands full "literally :)" getting to know this precious little girl ~ can you feel my smile and hear my heart singing???

Anyways, TURNING 47, what does that mean?
  • My perspective. Today I turned 47 (actually, Sunday, July 17th)
  • It's been 30 years since I turned 17...
  • Life's outlook is different.

  • You have different goals in life - mines are still evolving around my family (my husband, my children, my grandchildren, our business)...
  • Your body changes.
  • You are definitely smarter, more wiser.
  • The "cougar" thing could be true... haha!
  • You find out that when you've been married for more than 20 years, love evolves into something different.
  • You want to try new things ~ if only I could find the time...
  • You miss your babies being babies (sometimes) - if that feeling gets to strong for me, I now have 3 grandbabies to borrow til that moment is over :).
  • Not really sure what the appropriate dress is but if you have it, flaunt it.
  • You feel more content with yourself, with your life...
  • You see 50 as being pretty darn young.
  • "I wish I would have done that differently" attitude fades and you live for today not for yesterday.
  • You know who you are and that is BEAUTIFUL regardless if you're 27, 37 or 47.
  • Interested in new hobbies and dare to do so.
  • You take care of yourself more.
  • You are more thankful.
  • You walk with more grace and understanding (okay sometimes).
  • You celebrate & embrace life.
  • You are more accepting & more tolerant and very cognizant & grateful of your blessings...
  • You don't feel guility spending time doing things you love, such as creating or shopping for treasures to create with ~ taking pictures & blogging...
  • Life is getting simpler but so much faster...
  • The old is gone and the new is reborn.
  • You still have 3 more years to become one of those annoyingly fit, fast, fifty year olds... and that's why I'm back to running outside again.

The BIRTHDAY BREAKFAST @ Einsteins Bagels

and now Saving the BEST for LAST.... I wasn't allowed to look at the gift that was being handed to me by Shanel so I had to avert my eyes in another direction as she handed it to me.

drum roll please...

at this point I still haven't seen what this is, it was handed to me backwards making the suspense even are actually seeing it before me!

TA DA' the gift is revealed and what a surprise it was, let me tell you. These children of mine were behind my back SCHEMIN' ya hear... they picked a date, got the photographer, and drove out of town somewhere and took this picture (there are more), had it developed and framed, and THEY ALL kept it a SECRET from me.

Hmmmm, I tell you they are after my own heart... THERE IS NO, ABSOLUTELY NO BETTER GIFT IN THE WORLD & to have them top it off as a secret WOW, I was speachless.  To my dear, dear family I LOVE YOU ALL BUNCHES & BUNCHES & BUNCHES!!!  How in the world are you EVER going to top this one?  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Does It Get Any Better Than This?????