Off to Camp

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Well it's that time, 5th Grade Science Camp for Sabriya... I've done it 5 times prior and yet I'm still not liking it very much (Sending my child off without me being there to watch over her.) Last night we packed all her things and went thorough the list to make sure we hadn't forgotten anything: Bible [x], sleeping bag [x], water bottle [x], camera [x], cloths [x], jacket [x], toiletries [x], you get the picture. So this morning we drag it all into the kitchen, right by the stairs so that we are certain not to forget one single thing (Yea right!). After breakfast it is time, so we load up the car, she says her goodbyes and off to school we go. As we are pulling into the school lot she says, "Mom, is my jacket in the back?" That's her way of telling me that she forgot her jacket back at the house. Now note here that the jacket she forgot is the one that matches her sweat suit she's wearing today, not the big one she'll need to keep her warm. But of course you know that I'm going to make a mad dash back home to get it, because she can't be without it. We unload all her things and I jump back in the car to make it back home and back to the school before they leave at 9AM. On the drive back home she calls to tell me she also forgot her water bottle. By the time I got home she had forgotten her jacket, water bottle, sun glasses and snack money. Don't even ask ME how that happened!

So by the time I made it home and then back to the school they were all loaded up and ready to pull out, her driver ran over to my car window and all I could do was hand the items to her. I didn't even have time to get one picture of her going off to camp, but I did snap this one of the van she's in driving off... She does have a disposable camara with her and she was given very specific instructions on taking some good pictures for me. My fingers will stay crossed on that one but who knows she may surprise me.

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