Friday, November 27, 2009

Putting up the Christmas Tree

For years now, I have always put up the Christmas Tree(s) the day after Thanksgiving because the kids are out of school and there are no scheduled activities so this is the perfect day for me to just stay home and get it done. I had all the kids help drag the trees and decorations up stairs from the basement storage room last night so that I could get an early start this morning. So this morning Mark & I put the main tree together and I got right on it, first shaping it which takes a couple of hours then decorating it which is as least 3 or more hours. Well after I placed the final ornament on the tree, I stepped back to take a look and kept thinking that the tree wasn't looking right. While I was standing there contemplating that thought Shamesha walks in and asks, "Why does the tree look lopsided?" I said, I was just standing here thinking the same thing. Then I said, "Oh well, I am not taking it down, so it's just going to have to stay that way." That thought lasted about 5 minutes and I knew that there was no way I was going to be able to leave that tree up like that for the next month. So I called the kids together and told them that they were going to have to help me take the tree down, but first I needed a nap... We got the tree down and I spent the remainder of that day decorating the tree for the 2nd time. That will NEVER happen again!

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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

A very quite Thanksgiving this year and our very first without Santana (sad for me). Mark, Shannon & Trey were also away this year spending the holiday with the Loomers in Utah. Please visit their blog: for pictures of their snowy Thanksgiving. Mark spent the morning cooking at the restaurant with friends and brought our dinner home which we ate at 4pm with Kirk, Lisa & the boys; Eddie, Joyce & their boys; Reggie, Ken & last but not least Jenny. We so enjoyed have Jenny with us this year, since she grew up and works now we never get to see her.

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Friday, November 20, 2009

The Twilight Saga: New Moon

Lorrie, Me & the Girlz: "GIRLS NIGHT OUT" we got to go to the advanced screening of The Twilight Saga: New Moon last night. The movie didn't start until 9:30PM, we arrive between 6:30-7:00PM and took our place in line behind roughly 300+ others. They did end up letting us into the theater around 7:30PM so we just sat and visited for 2 hours while waiting for the movie to begin. The movie was GREAT and worth the long wait, and I didn't fall asleep; but even better was being able to spend time with one another. Can't wait until June 2010 for the release of Eclipse, WE'LL BE THERE!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sabriya's 11th Bday!

Today we celebrated Sabriya's 11th Birthday, please see her page to view the slideshow of this very special day...

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Monday, November 16, 2009


I HATE HAVING TO GET THESE DONE! I am claustrophobic, and never more than when I have to have an MRI done. I've had several over the years and it never gets better. I get through it by closing my eyes and trying to fall asleep and if that doesn't work then I PRAY! Somehow I always seem to survive but it's rough. So, I did survive, now I have to wait until Thursday for the results. The worst part about all of this is that I'm not able to workout.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Emergency Room

I wasn't able to sleep last night, I tossed and turned for hours because my right leg was in extreme pain. I couldn't move it in any direction without causing the pain to shoot throughout my entire body. I finally decided to get out of bed around 4:30AM only to find out that wasn't such an easy task, I did make it but not far. Aftering placing both feet on the floor I quickly found out that I wasn't able to put ANY pressure on my right leg. I wasn't able to move, I just leaned against the wall for about 20 minutes taking deep breaths trying not to pass out. Since I couldn't climb back up on my bed (it's very high & I couldn't bend my leg) I hobbled over to the chase lounge and laid on my side and tried to stretch my leg but the pain was just too much. While lying there my thoughts were that I was somehow going to make it to the bathroom, take a shower, get dressed and drive to the emergency room. It probably took me about an hour or more to accomplish that list but I did it; made it to the car and drove straight to the hospital but it wasn't easy.

I arrive at the emergency room just before 6:00AM, and they could see that I wasn't doing very well. They had me sit while they completed my paper work, they had me back into a room within minutes. After examining me as best she could the doctor gave me a shot for pain, but it took about an hour to start working and didn't completely take the pain away. They did xrays and a CT scan but neither showed any problems so the next step was to do an MRI but not until Monday. After a few hours the doctor decided to give me some stronger drugs via another shot and some prescriptions to take home to get me through the weekend.

Friday, November 13, 2009

This Weeks Events in Lyfe as a Smith

Please visit Trey, Shamesha & Sabriya's pages to see events from this week.

MiMi & Trey's Playdate

Reggie's 21st Birthday

Speech Meet

Sunday, November 1, 2009

State Fair

We took the kids to the State Fair tonight, they had a blast. We Skyped Santana before leaving for the fair and that set the mood for a fun filled evening of joy & laughter. (We miss you Tana!) It is truly a blessing to see your children (especially the young adult children) enjoy each others company.